In 2013, we at the Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church began a partnership with the church in Li Lavois, Haiti. When we first started our partnership, we wanted to help Pastor Edner be able to bring in members of his community to Christ by adding improvements to his church, as well as starting a school for the children of Li Lavois.
Since then, the building has been improved by adding concrete floors, a baptismal and lockable doors and windows. And, as part of our partnership with the church in Li Lavois a much needed school has been started in the church building. For that to happen a working bathroom has been added, along with a nurse’s station and some basic supplies such as desks and blackboards.
Pastor Edner was able to bring in more children to his school. The students are taught reading, writing, math, social skills, as well about Jesus. However, due to outside circumstances, not all the children are able to attend school daily.
As the church continues to grow, one of the main prayer requests of the church is to be able to pay the teachers of the school a consistent salary so Pastor Edner can take care of all of his teachers. This will enable them to continue to benefit their own lives, as well as the children’s.
We have started our Embrace & Educate Sponsorship Program to help fulfill the prayer request of Pastor Edner and his family, as well as the rest of the church. We are asking friends, family, and loved ones who are educators (teachers, professors, doctors, aides etc.) to help raise money for the teachers of Li Lavois by sponsoring them in hopes to spread and show the love of Christ by allowing the teachers to make a career of teaching and preaching to the children of Haiti.
We began this program during the 100 year anniversary celebration of the Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church. and it is our hope that the generosity of our church family will continue to reach out so that this program will continue to grow. For $7.00 per month, each teacher is able to afford to live and continue to survive by doing what they love to do which is educate the children in their community and show them God’s loving ways. Continuing to educate the children and youth of Haiti will move them toward a future where they will become more self sufficient. Just as Christ brought His teaching to us so that we would grow in his grace and love, we can help spread His message and strengthen our sister church in Haiti.
Donations can be made monthly or yearly, and checks should be made payable to Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church with “Teacher Sponsorship Program” on the memo line. Please help us spread the love of Christ to our brothers and sisters so they can continue to show His grace to the community, allowing them to grow and love in the name of the Lord., Thank you. God Bless, The Stroudsburg Wesleyan Haiti Mission Team.