Celebration Place

4 yr old through 4th Grade

While Celebrate Recovery  brings healing and wholeness to adults, Celebration Station gives children between the ages of 4 yrs old and 4th grade the opportunity to discover the same truths in age-appropriate ways.

  • Hope for all the amazing things God has in store for them
  • Truths that help them overcome life’s challenges by learning to lean on Jesus
  • Joy as they embark on a wonderful, year-long journey of songs, games, videos, impactful experiences, and great conversation
  • Friendships with other children

Celebration Station is designed to inspire kids with hope, joy, and happiness while they learn to rely on God.
John Baker, founder of Celebrate Recovery, says, “The Celebration Station dream is to put Celebrate Recovery out of business by breaking the cycles of dysfunction in our families.”

Childcare is available for infants through 3 year old. Please contact the church office at 570-421-0750 for more information.